Thursday, December 8, 2011

Moringa Tree Update.

Cory and I headed out for a walk on Tuesday and I noticed the young girl who my sister-in-law Beth befriended back in June pumping water at the pump on campus. So we chatted a bit while she carefully wasted the outside of her plastic water jugs.

This young girl Cory shared about in some of the churches we visited this summer as she initiated a Moringa give away by inviting us to her home and neighborhood because she did not have any Moringa trees.

The light color of her hair as well as her small stature point to malnutrition. But her attitude and personality sparkle with spunk!

The day of the visit she excitedly lead us up the path bordering the campus and after turning a bit south we came to her home. After giving her family a few trees she proceeded to lead us to neighbors who also needed trees, even reminding us to give out the Creole handouts.

Good news-she continues to attend a near by school this year.

Bad news-all the Moringa trees we handed out in June ended up as animal food. SIGH. Some how we did not get the importance of the Moringa trees though to the people so that they would value and protect the trees.  Told her with a smile that once she found a place that the animals could not get into she could ask for additional trees.

By the end of the month we plan to start planting Moringa tree seeds again for tree distribution. We pray that the people will learn to protect and regularly harvest the Moringa tree leaves.

Lord, forgive me for the life changing gifts that You bless me with that I don't appreciated and do not protect. Help me to see the value of those gifts and make sure that no one or nothing takes them from me or damages them. Help me to not waste the resources You graciously give me. Thank you for grace and second chances. Kris


Anonymous said...

Great post.
What is done for Christ will last.

Anonymous said...

"But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in or steal;" Matthew 6:20 (NIV)

Sherry in MI said...

Liked the post. We're having a website made for His Hands and we plan to put a link to your blog on it. Hope that's okay!

Kris Thede said...

Thanks Peter. Sherry-no problem. Thank you for adding us to the website.

Unknown said...

Nice moringa article