Thursday, November 10, 2011

Mixed Feelings.

Mixed feelings filled me yesterday. Celebrating the completion of a year's worth of curriculum our family we spent the day playing games, talking, laughing and watching videos. My family in Michigan spent the day at the hospital waiting for Dad while he received a new hip and then settled in his hospital room. One of those days when the ability to be in two locations at the same time sounds like a great thing.

Our school year finished up well. All three of us learned many things about the world the Lord made and how us humans interact in it. Monday we will jump into a new year of curriculum-Anna looks forward to Ancient world history and revisiting some great books that we read together 3 years ago when Eli took this course.

New Garden-bananas and sweet potatoes
Eli and I will be spending the next months learning about history of God's kingdom as well as physics and psychology. Years ago I labeled homeschooling with words like 'painful', 'penitence' or 'punishment' but thankfully now the labels include: 'blessing', 'enjoyable', and 'rewarding'.

The hours of schooling, communication needs and working on a second book do keep me in the house most days. I find that without meaning to I can go through the week with very little outside contact other than Sunday morning church and some superficial chatting with Cory's workers and our cooks.

Wire cut and stolen on campus.
Once again I need to make an intentional effort to get out and mingle with the folks on campus and in the community. I really do not know why isolation becomes an issue with me. I like people. I like taking walks and visiting. The great weather recently cannot be blamed. The book and communication needs really do not fall into a category of urgent and therefore could be delayed an hour or so without problem.

Cory and I did take a walk on Thursday because of my contemplating and realizing again the need to make the effort needed. Perhaps we need to have one afternoon a week that school lets out earlier than 4 p.m.  After 4 generally I exercise, check E-mails, and think about supper. If I still retain some motivation I'll work on the book.

Interesting that even though our day to day schedule will not change from Friday to Monday-finishing up a curriculum year makes me reflect on life and contemplate change. More thinking needed.

Thankful: Dad did well with surgery and slept well last night. New school curriculum.
Prayers: Beth will be well enough to take Chemo #4 on Monday and Dad will be able to return home.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Balance: without it we can't stand, walk, ride,…

I pray that you find peace, joy, hope and love as you work at the balancing act of life. Amen!