Monday, October 17, 2011

The sun brightens the many different shades of green that surround our lives here. A slight breeze starts up about 10:30 a.m. and generally builds to the afternoon when thunder may or may not herald an afternoon thunderstorm.

Emperor Jacques I-wikipedia.
I'm not sure why but the quiet strongly suggests that no school, other than my two students, occurred on campus today. Oh, yes the cook reminded us that it is a Haiti holiday today, Dessalines Day. Jean-Jacques Dessalines lead during the Haitian Revolution and became the first rule of an independent Haiti in 1801. He declared himself Emperor in 1804 and ruled until his assassination in 1806.

In the House of Hope the pastors of the Northern district discuss the various items on the agenda for their meeting. Cory hopes to offer each pastor some of the Creole health books to take back to their church making the books more accessible to the church members not in Cap Haitian near the book store.

I visited with an older lady with high blood pressure problems, the adult daughter who accompanied her as well as a young mother with a cute, chubby 5 month old who lost a big patch of hair when another child picked at his case of cradle cap. Before returning up to continue school with Eli and Anna, I prayed with each of the 7 patients in the cholera area. The staff thanked me for praying for their protection as well.

Cory's gardener on LaGonave called yesterday to let us know that his grandmother died from Cholera. The seven current patients include: one child, one teen, four elderly men and one old lady. Because of the rapid speed that this disease can cause one to become critically ill, the number of patients can jump rapidly. Please keep praying!

Yesterday we watched a DVD about the life of Mother Teresa. I too want to 'be the Lord's pencil' letting Him use me as He wishes. May I learn to see every one and treat everyone as I would the Lord. How easy it is for me to forget that each person contains the image of God because that is how we were created, in His image.

Thankful: Freedom of sharing the love of God publicly. Medical staff and supplies helping others.
Prayer: Cholera patients. Impact of the health books. Leadership.

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