Monday, October 3, 2011

A bit blue..

The sun shine streams in my window accompanied by a nice breeze, school continues well, so why do I feel down? I realize and acknowledge with gratitude many blessings of my life but a weight remains. [I admit I even put on some Christmas music last night. Helped a little bit but....]

Beth facing her second round of chemo today- grateful that advanced medical treatments can help her but sad at the side effects she faces. Sad we can not help her and the family out in person.

Thankful for Pastor Rigo's leadership that keeps the clinic running but saddened to hear about the frustrations he continues to deal with to keep things running smoothly. Frustrated for him that the Haitian government says Cholera patients can not be charged for their care but the government is not providing all needed medications or helping with staff salaries for this care.

Saddened looking back in history to World War II at the horrible way people treated people and justified their the same time realizing many people continue to suffer to this day the under the same attitudes and abuse.

Frustrated at my lack of faith that while I pray for the right team members and right dates to come....a small part of my brain whispers that no one will end up coming because the limited tickets will be all full before the teams come together.

Thankful for the Newsletters waiting to go into the mail on Thursday and out on-line shortly after that to our great support team...but sad to think about those who will not read it or who did not send us a new address.

Know that learning more French will benefit all of us but personally scared of looking foolish and stupid to our new teacher and my kids.

Thankful because I know that some of you reading this will pray for me and help my attitude improve. Thank you in advance, Kris


Herd of Cowarts said...

I'm praying for you that God clearly shows you the burden you are feeling and how you can be of service in His name to those in your life who are troubled so that
budensome feeling is lifted from you.
As for the French- I'm sure your teacher knows you are there to learn, the only way to look foolish is not to try in the first place! Learning any language takes practice. :)

Listen to this and I hope it perks you up and encourages your faith!


Anonymous said...

Someday God will show you what your prayers for Beth & Todd, Mom & Dad, etc have accomplished.

I personally can testify that prayers for us have made all the difference in the world (and maybe even in the world yet to come).

I pray that God will give you strength, peace and joy, (shaken, pressed down and overflowing). Amen!

Keep your focus on God and don't get distracted by everything else. :-)

God bless all of you!

Jamie Jo said...

I am praying for you, too, Kris. This is the time of year I often find myself in a funk with no good reason. I hope yours lifts soon.

Missus Wookie said...

I like the new blog background, seedlings always fill me with hope - well except weed seedlings which fill me with hope and then I realize what they are....

Holding you in the light - hoping that you will feel it and be ready to nourish your own seedlings.