Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Sept. 14th

School consists of Eli studying at the moment for his 4 chapter, quarterly chemistry test and Anna working on the computer [spelling, typing] and since the pictures down loaded this morning I thought I'd blog a minute. 
Sad Moringa Trees-needing a home.

Last couple of days consisted mostly of school. Clinic on Monday remained low and both Haitian doctors saw patients so I greeted the staff, reminded them to ask folks about herbal treatments and returned home for school. Yesterday I did wander down after school and prayed with three hospitalized patients: two cholera and one malaria. Reminded me how different our patient population can be compared with the USA.

Picking the location for Moringa near the house.
 Mail came yesterday including a part for the compound generator which rapidly found it's way into the generator and is working! Government supplied power remains little and random. Cory's researched additional solar panels and batteries for our inverter system hoping to learn how to improve and increase our power.
Preparing the soil for trees.
 A few of the Moringa trees we left in cups back in July did not find homes while we visited the USA. Twice we planted Moringa trees in locations on the North side of the house but both times the heavy clay soil limited or killed the trees. This time the trees will be planted closer to the house [convenient for the cooks] and the soil will be prepared prior to planting with the addition of sand for better drainage. 

Please remember to pray for my brother's family as Beth started her chemo this week. Also Pastor Rigo's wife could deliver their first child at any time. 

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