Wednesday, June 29, 2011

GLACC Team [Haiti 13] Travel Day

Today started early with the team set to leave at 5 a.m. Anna and Cory escorted them to the airport and kept them company until they saw the plane leave. Eli and I spent the morning cleaning the House of Hope [sorting donated clothes, sweeping, putting items in their place, washing out the cooler...] as well as keeping the washing machine humming.

I'm very thankful for my washer which ran continually almost 11 hours today. Thankfully the sun shone enough today that by the time 3 lines were completely full, the first loads were dry therefore could be removed to make space for the wet stuff.

The last load now hangs on the inside line. A few loads of wash remain for tomorrow and then the washer can enjoy it's vacation for the weeks we will be in the USA.

Chris and Kathleen started painting the second side of the sign shortly after the team left therefore finished by mid-morning. They then spent the afternoon packing up for their travel tomorrow morning and spending a few last minutes with our kids.

I see by Facebook that the Haiti 13 arrived OK to Florida but missed their flight to Michigan. Therefore 4 have seats on a different flight, 3 going to GR remain on standby as do Todd's family and one other team member. Looking forward to worshiping with them on Sunday in Michigan and thanking their families for letting them come and visit us.

Tomorrow need to finish the laundry, pack for the USA, pack up the house, make sure the staff know what to do for the next 7 weeks and say our good-byes. We will be leaving about 5 a.m. on Friday morning.

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