We heard that in the bigger cities that all locations sold out of machetes as folks prepared for protests prior to the release of the results. Thankfully we haven't heard of any violence.
Yesterday a local pastor came by and when I
saw his face I knew instantly that it was not a simple social call.
Apparently a few people from his church called by telephone and informed him that a group from town were heading our way.
Although he remained impartial during the campaigning he is a friend to one of the people who ran for the Deputy position and has family ties to this man.
He didn't want to stay at his house as he feared the people supporting the other man running for deputy were coming to attack him. Thankfully, after a short time at our house during which a large chanting crowd pass by on the road heading for Port Margot, he felt comfortable enough to leave.
A change in power in Haiti sometimes results in opportunities for revenge on local levels. Very sad. While I may find plenty to complain about regarding US politics I never worried about violence with the release of results or that my opinions will result in physical harm. Many people in the world rightly consider these concerns before becoming involved in politics.
Please continue to pray for Haiti's government, leadership [70 run off elections occurred for other government positions] and the people.
I envy your bananas.I found them at Meijer here in Michigan for .58 a pound and thought that was a steal they didnt look as good as those though.Gene and Gerda said you were looking for prayer partners.My husband Tom and I would be glad to partner with you in prayer.I also wanted to send you a box of cross stitch items.We talked at Christmas when you were here but I think you had pretty much your weight limit for going home.Send me your snail mail address and I will ship them off to you.Hope your sprain is better.Must be the Lord wanted you to rest a bit.(-:
God Bless
Pam Roth
Thank you for joining us as prayer partners. My ankle is slowly improving. We have tickets to return to Michigan the first of July. If you wish you can pass on the cross stitch items to my folks or wait until we return. Thank you. Kris
I will just hold on to them until I see you in July--I will bet you will be at chrurch at least one of the Sundays you are back.Praying here for your quick recovery.Have a great weekend.
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